Friday, 4 February 2011

The Music - RIP?

So in the last month it was announced on 'The Music's' facebook page that the band has split up because the lead singer decided he wanted to leave. It's a real shame because these incredibly young and talented guys burst onto the music scene (no pun intended, they have a stupid name) in 2002 - as debut albums go it's fantastic, a real mixture of dance-rock and psychedelica and Rob Harvey's voice is simply spectacular. Two years later they released the equally brilliant 'Welcome the North' before going on 2 year hiatus due to Rob Harvey's various drug/alcohol addictions. I thought that I'd never hear from those guys again which sucked tremendously hard because I had never got a chance to see them live. But in 2008 they re-appeared with the energetic 'Strength in Numbers' which was produced by industry heavy-weights Mark Ellis and Paul Hartnoll. It was a lot more electronic than their previous offerings but it was just so refreshing to hear some new material with Rob's voice stamped all over it.
I was lucky enough to see them live at the Camden Roundhouse and it was a tremendous gig - those guys have so much energy and the venue was quite clearly rammed full of people who adored their music. The Music really should have changed their manager eons ago because they are not nearly as big as they should be.

Anyway, fast forward another couple of years and here we are with the band split up and Rob Harvey is now apparently working with The Streets :S

Click on Read More to see a mere sprinkling of live videos that, although awesome, only go some way to highlighting the talent and character that these boys have. Oh and also to have a depressing insight into what Rob Harvey is currently wasting his vocal talent on.

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